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The Shadow Realm is a dark, magical world in Spyro: Shadow Legacy. It is a mirror realm that looks almost exactly identical to the real world, but has a heavily pale color theme. The Sorcerer used the Shadow Realm to his advantage by trapping anyone from the real world into the Shadow Realm inside magic cages to drain them of their magical energies.


The Shadow Realm can only be accessed when somebody holding a Shadowstone steps onto a Dimension Portal. Many horrible and strange creatures live there.

People who are in the Shadow Realm can walk through wood, although people outside the Shadow Realm cannot be seen by those inside the Shadow Realm, but they can be detected by magic. Some things in the Shadow Realm do not exist in the Dragon Realms, and vice versa.


As Spyro rested at the Dragon Shores beach, a wave of crackling, dark magic struck. Everyone in the Dragon Realms, Avalar, and the Forgotten Realms were pulled into the dark, alternate dimension of the Shadow Realm. Threatened by the shadow creatures, Spyro was guided to the safety of the Dragon Dojo by Tomas, who then tasked Spyro to rescue the other Dragon Elders from the Shadow Realm. The Elder, Sensei, taught Spyro how to battle the shadow monsters in the Shadow Realm that can only be hurt by the art of Dragon Kata.

Two brothers in the Shadow Realm named the Ice Minion and the Fire Minion served as bosses in the Shadow world which can also exist in the real world. The Sorcerer lives in a world between the Shadow Realm which can only be visited when getting the directions on the map from Bianca. He also created a machine to trap anybody in the real world permanently in the Shadow Realm. The machine was destroyed by Spyro before it was activated. After the Sorcerer's defeat, he escaped to somewhere else in the Shadow Realm, and the dark realm itself wasn't ever seen again.

Main Characters
Spyro the Dragon - Sparx the Dragonfly - Hunter
Bianca - Blink - Tomas
Red - Ice Minion - Fire Minion
Non-Playable Characters
Adama - Akello - Amp - Aqua - Artigan - Astor - Bandit - Bears - Bonebuilders - Brigid - Bruno - Cho Lei - Conan
Dirt - Dragons - Ember - Fairies - Flame - Fonsworthy - Fransisco - Gronk
Isabel - Kaitlin - Kasi - Laird - Longorin - Lucia - Lumpy - Magnus - Marshall - Marvin - Maxwell - Merton - Midian - Moles - Moneybags
Mr. Funderlic - Mrs. Funderlic - Mrs. Moneybags - Neema - Old One Horn - Ooga - Pablo - Panthanitis - Pastemolle - Professor
Pullosin - Rabbits - Sensei - Sis - Skipper - Sofia - Teresa - Titan - Trina - Willard - Wizards - Zinc - Zoe
Dragon Kingdom
Dragon Shores - Dragon Dojo - Dragon Village - Mountain of Magic - Big Forest - Cliff Town
Savannah - Tree Tops - Skelos Badlands
Forgotten Worlds
Bunny Bayou - Moleville
Dragon Kata - Shadow Realm - Gems - Eggs - Magic - Shadowstone - Relics